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2005-12-26 - 6:05 p.m.


I think this may put me in the category of Queen Bitch, but I have many problems with Christmas. The piles of presents for demon children that really deserve instead to be chased around the house with a pointy stick. The women in my store who spend so much time preparing for the holiday that they never sit down and spend any time with their families.
And this one in particular bothers me.
All the little gift exchanges.
Yes, really, i'm not that very gratefull for all the red and green painted ceramic crap filled with starlight mints that i have received over the years. So I decided this year that, when possible, i would beg out of all the avoidable gift exchanges, because they, more that anything else in the holiday season, bring out the Scrooge in me.
The good news is, it worked!! Yup, only 1 measly gift exchange i couldn't avoid without making my one weepy employee leak giant confusing DRAMA Tears.
As a result, I really enjoyed this christmas.
And now i'm ready for summer. Only 4 month to go before I can begin to comptain about the Blast-Furnace like heat again. I know you can hardly wait!

Sadly, no Tom Jones CD's in my stocking. However Christmas dollars are funding a trip to the music/movie store in the near future. Perhaps...

Did receive a cookbook on Lebanese cooking, which I will be experimenting with. It looks awesome, with one drawback. I cannot find a decent source of lamb in this town. The markets only carry expensive, tiny, useless little chops. What else is new. Welcome to the American West, where your choices are Beef, Chicken, or Pork. (Luckily, a few Hunter friends will net you a freezer full of Venison, Elk, Antelope, Goose, Moose, Duck, Pheasant, Grouse, Quail.... Hunting friends good.)

ehhh, that's all for me tonight.

Best Gift I've Heard of: Bagpipes

Currently Listening to: Spirit - Willie Nelson

Currently Reading: Nothing! last trip to the Library I borrowed a stack of incredibly boring books. I keep trying with no luck. Damn you Deceptively Interesting Cover Art!!

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